September Newsletter 2023

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From my Desk

The Labor/Greens’ Voice Motion – to force the YES case.

This motion that was brought to the assembly this week is worrying because it attempts to pre-empt the upcoming Referendum by asking all members of the Assembly to support the voice.

From my experience as the Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs in the previous Assembly, I am keen to see a better and more effective way of working with the Indigenous community. I am concerned that enshrining the voice in the constitution will further divide the nation and may lead to a permanent victimisation of the Indigenous People of Australia. 

I consider that a motion like this impedes my freedom of speech, and similarly affects those who also wish to vote NO in the upcoming Referendum. The result of this motion is further division, in the Assembly and in the community.

If you agree that our ACT taxpayer’s money should not be spent on pushing the Yes referendum campaign, please sign Mr Hanson’s petition here.

Decriminalisation of Harmful Drugs Laws

I wholeheartedly support my colleague, Jeremy Hanson, in his effort to lodge a petition to the ACT Legislative Assembly titled “DO NOT DECRIMINALISE METH AND HEROIN.” The new laws come into action next month and will have significant implications for the ACT Community.

Please indicate your support for the position by signing Mr Hanson’s petition here

The ‘GP Payroll Tax’ Issue An unfortunate consequence of a recent legal opinion has led to large GP medical practices being hit with local payroll tax above the ACT Government threshold since the doctors are to be classified as employees rather than contractors.

Most GP services in the ACT are offered through larger group practices and the result of the tax issue is that patient fees will be increased. The timing creates an additional burden for residents and patients already facing significant cost of living pressures. The full increase is to be borne by the patient as federal funding has not increased the rebate.  The Canberra Liberals are mounting a petition to “Say NO to the GP TAX.” Please add your displeasure by signing the petition here.

Out and About

This month I have been out on the ground door knocking Harrison, Amaroo and businesses in Mitchell. These visit are focused on hearing the issues that are most important to residents and businesses across our region. 

Harrison faces a range of issues, stemming from poor planning resulting in peak hour and weekend traffic congestion, particularally on weekends around the Harrison school when sporting events are held. I have raised this with the Government, while also calling for a pedestrian crossing to be installed between the Harrison playing fields and Katoomba street, to make the road safer for children and adults. 

Turning towards businesses in Mitchel now, most of their concerns have been the lack of public transport avaiable during the day, the lack of parking, illegal dumping, and the high commercial rates and government fees and charges. I have written to the Minister seeking a solution to these important issues, and will update businesses in Mitchell as soon as I have a response.

If you see me out and about, don’t hesitate to come over for a chat! For more frequent updates, connect with me on my Facebook and Instagram. @jameskmilligan

This week in the assembly there has been a strong focus on suburban maintenance and upkeep, with Nicole Lawder MLA’s motion, calling on this ACT Labor/Greens Government to develop a suburban maintenance strategy to improve the cleanliness of Canberra suburbs. 

Broken footpaths, graffiti, illegal dumping, potholes, upkeep of playgrounds, weeding and general mowing are only SOME of the urban issues that plague yerrabi. What is in need of maintenance in your local area? Let me know by replying to this email.

Back in 5

Brand New Back in 5 with Rebound, Rehab and Recovery in Mitchell. Tune in to find out more about what his business has to offer.


The last sitting week saw the Labor backbench bring a Motion to the Assembly, calling on the Government to consider developing an ACT Neurodiversity Strategy. Mind you, it was just to consider. To think carefully about. To ponder. To reflect on. Or to examine. There is no call on to really DO anything. But I guess it is appropriate, as this government is not actually good at doing anything. As we have seen all too often, especially in the disability sector.

The motion was as it turned out, just virtue signalling by the Labor/Greens Government, using this important area as a pawn for each Minister to stand up and talk about what they were doing in the space of disability – not necessarily neurodiversity. I used the opportunity to remind the government of all that they weren’t doing – especially for those people who have been diagnosed as neurodiverse.

There are such gaps in this area! There is no financial support for employment, they have failed to deal with health overshadowing, the ACT has the lowest diagnosis for children who are neurodiverse as there is no access to appropriate resources, there is a lack of funding for more counsellors and psychologists in education, and there is a significant shortage of youth mental health beds.

That last item was highlighted in the recent Estimates hearings, and when it was recommended that the Government address the shortage, their response did not rise above, “we’ve noted it”.  Not “we agree and we’ll do something”, no just “noted”. I guess that’s better than disagree!

I will keep raising the issues and advocating strongly on behalf of the neurodiverse community and those who are living with other physical and psychosocial disabilities. You can view my full speech to the Assembly here.

Copyright © James Milligan, All rights reserved.
Authorised by James Milligan MLA