March Newsletter 2024

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From my Desk

I attended the Rotary Emergency Services Community Awards (RESCA) Launch by ACT Rotary Clubs, on the 1st of March with my colleague Elizabeth Kikkert MLA. It was great to see the enthusiastic turnout for this launch/awards which are designed to recognise our emergency service personnel who have gone ‘above and beyond’ their call of duty. This is a community-nominated award based on the reputation of the personnel from their local communities’ viewpoint. As Shadow Minister for Emergency Services, we need to support and encourage those who put their lives on the line to protect us, so don’t forget to nominate before the 31st of May here! 

Over the weekend, Katrina and I along with Elizabeth Kikkert, Peter Cain and Ralista Dimitrova had the pleasure of attending the inauguration festival for the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir and Community Centre in Taylor. I want to say a big thank you to our hosts making us feel so welcome. The dress, dance, floats and of course the food was amazing. BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha is a spiritual, volunteer-driven fellowship dedicated to improving society through individual growth by fostering the Hindu values of faith, service and global harmony.

Out and About

It has certainly been a busy month out and about, I want to say thank you to everyone who came down to the Amaroo BBQ in late February. Many of the issues raised were surrounding the maintanece of the Yerrabi pond, traffic congestion in the town centre, urban maintenance and the condition of our roads throughout Gungahlin. I have written to the Government regarding these issues and will check in once I receive a response. 

I have a few campaigns currently running throughout Yerrabi. One of the biggest concerns from residents is the rise of illegal dumping in our suburbs. It seems every corner I turn there is a dumped mattress, old BBQ or furniture. Please keep an eye on your letterbox and help me in putting an end to illegal dumping.

As always, if there are any issues in your local area that you would like to raise, or if you would like to catch u over coffee, don’t hesitate to reach out by replying to this email. 

Community BBQ

This weekend I am holding a community BBQ in Bonner! If you’re free and in the area, pop down for a BBQ and a chat.  

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As you will all no doubt be aware, the Gungahlin Joint Emergency Services Centre continues to be a problem. And even more serious than first thought. As it has transpired this last month, when the builders finally moved in, there were lead and diesel particulates in the ceiling of the buildings. This was caused by the exhaust of the vehicles going into this space. The Gungahlin JESC was immediately closed down by Work Safe and staff moved out. The Police were moved to Belconnen, whilst the urban fire crews were moved to Charnwood.

Then a week later a temporary Police demountable was set up in front of the Gungahlin JESC, with two porta loos, really you couldn’t make this stuff up. But that too has been closed down, with police moved back to Belconnen. It was declared to be unsafe, with the situation too close to the road way and a lack of facilities. This has left Gungahlin without any local services. It can take up to half an hour for police to come from Belconnen to some of our further suburbs. We need a local Centre!

The most inexplicable matter is that there has been nothing from the Government. No news release, no announcements, no comments on the matters pertaining to the Gungahlin JESC or Civic Station. And as it turns out, about Woden Station as well, which is also not fit-for-purpose with their air conditioning constantly breaking down. Not pleasant during the hot days we had in early March! I am glad for them that we are heading into cooler weather.

I have been busy asking questions about that this week, however, with the Minister absent on leave, there haven’t been a lot of answers. Out of ideas, out of comments, and out of answers. It is time for this government to be out of office.

I am looking forward to October, when the elections will be held, as your representative in Yerrabi, I look forward to making a difference and to continue to fight for the people of the ACT across all these areas. I’d be interested to know what area you would like a Canberra Liberals government to tackle first!