What is Happening to our Sporting Arenas?

Canberra’s population is growing, and we are predicted to have a population over 800,000 in 30-40 years. Apart from needing to plan for the long-term increase we are falling way behind in meeting the sporting needs of the current population.

Sporting groups cannot meet demand from new participants wishing to enter into competitions or to rent space for social events.

The ageing stadium is often used as an excuse for smaller attendances, particularly during unfriendly Canberra winters. The facility is close to or has passed its use-by date. A similar fate befell the AIS Arena which is scheduled to undergo urgent but minor remedial treatment to extend its life.

If and when the seemingly endless debate about a replacement stadium is resolved the track record of the current government for making construction decisions could well result in another decade passing before a new venue is completed.

We well know what impact these delays have on the ultimate costs, the viability of the project and the impact of teams awaiting a renewed or suitable venue. The situation with the Canberra capitals last season was an example of an elite team being forced into a sub-standard venue at finals time.

The proposed Home of Football looked to be an attractive opportunity for promoting the game in Canberra and to provide a venue for national and even international events. Just what the nation’s capital needs!

Delays and cost blow-outs are affecting the viability of the project. It may have already crossed the affordability threshold. Why the watercourse issues were not identified earlier, and perhaps an alternative site, should be investigated.

I hope the new tennis centre at Amaroo does not run into similar problems as delays are turning out to be project killers.

I have been advocating for multi-purpose indoor sporting centres to be constructed in four regional areas of Canberra – including the major growth areas. Gymnasiums and halls at new schools are simply not good enough due to time and accessibility restrictions.

More ovals and more in better condition are required for the demands from outdoor sports. If water supply issues are an emerging problem consideration should be given to providing all-weather synthetic surfaces.

I am revamping my Find Your Game booklet which I prepared for the last election. A key theme will be proper and informative planning based on extensive consultation with users. I am passionate about supporting a wide range of competitive and social sporting opportunities in Canberra.